Simply goto deposit page, type amount you would like to deposit into your account and select your payment method. click on proceed to payment. for credit card put your card detail and submint, for for cryptocurrencies copy your generated wallet address and make your payment using you crypto wallet. Ensure you attach your proof of payment and click submit payment.
Your deposit will reflect as soon as you deposit has been confrim and approved by financial department.
Simply go to withrawal page, select you method of withdrawal, type in amount to withdrawal request for otp, put in the otp and click on complete request.
Your funds will be received into your selected method of withdraw within few minutes.
You can cancel your withdrawal request by contacting support to cancel request.
Simply goto withrawal page, select you method of withdrawal, type in amount to withdrawal request for otp, put in the otp and click on complete request.
You choose what currency you would like your trading account to be in.
Deposit takes about few minutes depending on your payment method.